Furano famous for powder snow worldwide. You can also see lots of international skiers posted on the #japow tag. The booking for the ski season next year has already begun and I am looking forward to it!
今日はフルーツワインの紹介です^_^ 沖縄のうちなーファームで作られているフルーツワイン🥭🍷 マンゴー、パッションフルーツ、アセロラ、シークワーサーと4種類あります😊 一番人気はマンゴー💕 マンゴーはジャパンワインチャレンジで最高賞をいただいたワインです😍 Today we are going to introduce fruits wine these are made from Okinawa !! Most popular is mango wine 😊 It is won the highest award by Japanese wine challenge💕